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Contributions from wonderful poets and illustrated by me.


This book is dedicated to my son Andrew, who was diagnosed with Granulomatosis with Polyangitis in 2008. My purpose in publishing the book is to raise awareness of Vasculitis which has 19 variants and often mimics everyday symptoms, making it extremely difficult for Doctors to diagnose. The longer the delay the more damage it causes and can result in death.

Andrew had always been very fit and healthy however, he started to suffer lots of minor complaints over a period of 18 months, becoming seriously ill and hospitalised.  He was eventually diagnosed with GPA (Wegners Granulomatosis) and was given six months chemo which put the disease into remission.


Unfortunately it flared again in 2014 pushing his left eye out of Its socket – during his stay in hospital a scan revealed, a jugular thrombosis. He was given a further 7 months of chemo. Unfortunately the remission only lasted until 2016 when the eye problem returned. He faced further treatment to put the disease into remission.


During all his treatment over the years he has continued to train every week swimming, cycling and running also entering lots of triathlons

and gaining many awards. He amazes his four Consultants who look after him  and is inspirational to  all who suffer from this life-threatening Illness.

My second reason for publishing the book is to raise funds for Vasculitis UK in the hope that a cure will be found one day for this horrendous illness.


I owe a debt of gratitude to the excellent poets who kindly allowed me to use their work and last but not least a massive Thank You to Karen who very kindly illustrated the book for me out of the goodness of her heart and also helped me with the editing. The book is £6.50 and  postage is £2.

 If you would like a copy please email me:-

No monies were received by me for the illustration of this book - Karen Thompson.


Website built by Karen M Thompson

All copyrights reserved © Art By Karen Thompson 2019

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