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  Through a child’s eyes 


The bedroom door creaks open in the house so quiet

An excited child’s voice is heard to say “has he been yet?”

A child to excited to sleep, on this special of days

Lying in bed, waiting for the sound of a sleigh


To children the world over

Whether they are privileged or poor

This should be their day, just because

It’s the day of the visit by Santa Claus


As the children open the stocking on the bed

And wrapping papers are torn to shreds

Of the presents left under the tree

High pitched excited voices screech, “look what Santa left me”


Parents, look on lovingly, happy and proud

As the still of the night, is now chaotic and loud

Be it a doll and a pram, or a Scalextric

The children play blissfully, with not a thought of Brexit 


Children play, not comparing the cheapest or most expensive

This is Christmas day, a day of peace to all, and gifts to give

A day not to compare price tags

As there are no price tags in Santa’s red bag


Then later in the day as we sit down and feast

We shouldn’t forget about those who have the least

As we lunch on Turkey, Christmas pudding and mulled wine

Think of those in shop doorways at this most special time


As we doze in our chairs, sated, and well fed

Give a thought to those, who have nowhere to rest their heads

Homeless or mentally ill, living in cardboard city

Some alone, some depressed, needing help, not needing pity


Also, as we watch our children play

At a time that should be a child’s day

Let us say a prayer for children in famine, or war torn lands

These children whose fate is out of their hands


As the religious and political leaders preach and tweet

Not thinking of those, all alone on the streets

Tweeting to millions, preaching to the masses

While looking after the wealthy upper classes

Let the children sit in their chairs

And tell stories from the heart, with feeling and care

Care for those who don’t have enough food to eat

Or the mentally ill, languishing on our streets


Or the child living in impoverished conditions

Drinking dirty water, not fit for human consumption

Living in a wooden shack, with a mud floor for a carpet

These children with nothing, but yet....


These children always seem to have a smile on their faces

Even though they are living in the vilest of places

Some in a cesspit of fear

A child so scared, but a child with no more tears


Our children we can protect, and shower with love

Our children are not terrified what is in the skies above

As our children ask “has he been yet”

Let us all see the world through a child’s eyes, and let us not forget


As we watch our children, feast, laugh and play

And gleefully celebrate Christmas day

As the fortunate ones excitedly open their presents

Please save the time to say a prayer, for the less fortunate

Copyright Ralph Jones

Website built by Karen M Thompson

All copyrights reserved © Art By Karen Thompson 2019

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